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The Health and Financial Benefits of Owning a Home on the River

Private access to the Potomac River

Owning a home like Green Oak with direct water access brings an exponential quality-of-life increase. Recreational activities such as fishing, kayaking, paddle-boarding, rafting, boating, and hiking are mere steps away. The views are soothing and nature is abundant. The mental health benefits of waterfront ownership have also been documented, with studies showing that those who live near water display a consistently higher sense of wellbeing and happiness than those who live in more urban environments.

Aside from the quality-of-life benefits, there’s another advantage to living near the water: it brings an added level of security to your investment. Riverfront, especially in the Washington D.C. area, is scarce. And riverfront with direct boat access on the Gold Coast of Mclean is practically a unicorn.

This means that while you enjoy the tranquil experience of your own riverfront oasis minutes from the hustle and bustle of the city, you can also take comfort in knowing that riverfront properties have appreciated faster than any other property type in the area. It’s simple, scarcity means security.

Green Oak, with its inspiring views, water opportunities, unparalleled privacy, and unique location directly on the Potomac, presents that rare opportunity where investing in your riverfront dream home actually makes financial sense.

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